One of my eventual aims with this website is to complete a digital comic and distribute it online. However, I am still only in the planning stages. I have been for several years!
Searching for inspiration to help me get past the planning stages, I found an article by an author called M. D. Lachlan entitled “Plot your novel in an hour!”
The whole article is excellent in my opinion, but the main point for me is that I must tell myself: It’s going to be rubbish!
Taking this approach I completed a draft plot in about 15 minutes! It very probably is rubbish but it felt good to complete a task.
I reckon this technique will also work for my digital painting. Thinking back, that is how I completed this digital painting in round about 4 hours.
It’s not a perfect reproduction of the reference image I used, but it’s done.
Now that I’ve got a basic plot I’m going to draw a map of the fictional world – it’s going to be rubbish but it should be done by this time next week 🙂